Friday, 29 June 2007

Raining in Antwerp

We both had a fantastic time on Sunday afternoon, catching up with lots of friends and family before our departure. Last to leave was Ben Griffiths at 10.30pm, showing that the Welsh really can foot it with the best. Unfortunately we didn´t win the pub quiz.

Little Jasper, our nephew and my Godson, was all dressed up in his best safari suit for the day.

As you saw from the text entry, we were clamped in Brixton on Monday! Expensive to release, so will have to shorten our trip by a month.

So far we´ve tootled around Belgium, drinking beer and admiring racing pigeons. Today we are in Antwerp, and yes, it is raining... Tomorrow we head to Delft to see Richard and Caroline, formerly of Queenstown.

No probs so far with the Land Rover, however had to go to the petrol station last night halfway through cooking risotto to get more petrol for the stove!


Dad and Sue said...

If it contintues to rain at this rate we will be able to float away to NZ in the Sassy Saab and meet you there!! xx

Trish and Pete said...

Well, yes, you will be pleased to hear it is raining in NZ, too. Hope the Land Rover is keeping out all the wet, with no leaks. Go well!